Gwen Smit explores friendship as a fundamental, yet neglected, part of our human experience and, drawing on C. S. Lewis, looks at how it represents something quite fascinating about our existence.
Sarah Kelly reviews Durham University Classical Theatre’s recent production of Christopher Marlowe’s ‘Doctor Faustus’.
Jane Rance reviews Susanna Clarke’s bestselling novels, exploring their similarities and differences.
The Myth of the Liberated Sex Worker Image: Bing The recent online zeitgeist has centred heavily upon the debate surrounding modern day ‘sex work’. Everyone knows of these sites, which have become a current pop cultural ‘wink-wink, nudge-nudge’ type of joke: think OnlyFans, NSFW X pages lurking in the dark recesses of the website (albeit […]
Looking for a game to play this Christmas to relax after whatever that last term was? Try Stardew Valley!
Phoenix Woolnough narrates her experience of becoming 21 in Chongqing, China.
How would you feel if, every month, a section of your lung began to grow in your arm, your leg, or even your eyes? Every time you breathe, that piece behaves the same way as a lung, inflaming and contracting in places it is not designed for. Imagine that pain, a part of your body […]
This weeks’ editorial from the General Editors.
In this article, the Editor-in-Chief discusses the pressing debate surrounding whether we should be able to leave books a public negative review, following the Cait Corrain scandal.