I have never been drawn to the idea of making a bucket list before and I don’t have any faith that I would complete any more than a couple before getting bored. In a similar way to New Years’ Resolutions, it therefore turns into more of a list of things I won’t do, a festering dissatisfaction which can only lead to an unflattering reflection of my life. Despite all of this, I have begun one for post-lockdown life. It started out as merely some loose plans, but it is now undeniably a list so going against everything I’ve said up to this point. While I think it’s toxic to think of the pandemic as wasted time that we need to make up for, I can’t help but promise myself that I’m going to make the most of the things I can do again once the restrictions are lifted and hopefully do some things I’ve never tried before. If all else fails, at least I still have a little bit of English summer to look forward to, now the worst two months of the year are behind us.
Here are my picks for this week- enjoy!
Three lockdown walking routes by Georgia Heath
The news we have missed while Covid has dominated by Lucy Malone
Interview with Jackie Weaver by Ben Summer
‘Dickinson’: The genius of contemporary soundtracks in period pieces by Stella Baricic
Sex education in the UK – outdated and overly moralistic? By Lily Webber
Image: Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash