Author Archives: Evie Nicholson

Jarvis Cocker: perv or public conscience?

It’s 3 am and I can’t sleep so I’m binge-watching Jarvis Cocker interviews. In a Guardian interview from 2011, a slightly jaded Jarvis admits that he only started the whole song-writing thing because no one seemed to be making music about sexual “awkwardness and disappointment” that he could relate to. I think about how I […]

Weekly Mixtape #1

I’ve decided to start doing weekly summaries of what I’ve been listening to in the hope that someone else finds something new that they like or has also been listening to similar music. 1. In the Future – David Byrne Falling under the long-established category of middle-aged-white-men-dispensing overly-grandiose-but-ultimately-endearing advice on life from their cultural ivory tower […]