I wrote this poem sleep deprived at about 4am, travelling home in the middle of a pandemic after leaving my boyfriend behind to settle into his new life in a different country. I remember feeling so strange- surrounded by constant reminders of the pandemic- posters about social distancing, announcements to enforce mask use; it was incredibly bizarre. All of this combined with the bitter sweet feeling of leaving a loved one behind inspired my writing, especially the imagery of love personified as infection.
You have taken over
Everything has some trace of you
Like a plague ripping through a population
You are everywhere and everything
And I have no choice but to allow myself to be wrecked by you
Until finally the fever will break
And pale faced with a sweat on my brow
I will get better.
By myself I will get well.
Only then can we exist together
I will love you,
with every fibre of my new stronger self
I will love you
On the rotten days
I will love you
until we are run into the ground
I will love you
Be it in some earth shattering apocalypse event
Or quietly and as softly as falling asleep
Quite simply I’m infected by you
There is no known cure
And there will be no survivors
Image: Eden Cain