LGBTQ+ History Month in film

It’s somehow already February, and that means it’s LGBTQ+ History Month! To celebrate the extensive history of the queer community I’ve compiled a small list of films that you can watch to learn about different areas of LGBTQ+ history. It goes without saying that the films mentioned below are only a select few that I’m personally familiar with – take this as an introduction to some key episodes of queer history, and then explore more for yourself! There are so many films, TV shows, articles, etc. that aim to educate on this important topic, and considering current world affairs it’s arguably more important than ever to remember the roots of the ongoing fight for equality.

Pride! (2014)

A British queer classic, Pride! tells the story of Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners (LGSM), a London-based alliance that supported the National Union of Mineworkers during the miners’ strike of 1984-85. The film depicts the group’s valiant efforts to fundraise for the mining community in the Welsh village of Onllwyn. LGSM’s story shows the vitality of putting aside differences in the fight for equal rights for all, and brings to light an often overshadowed element to this country’s very recent history; as someone who comes from a mining village myself this film feels so close to home. It also features depictions of real life activists Mark Ashton, who helped establish LGSM, and Jonathan Blake, one of the first people to be diagnosed with AIDS in the UK.

Bohemian Rhapsody (2018)

I’m sure everyone’s heard of this one by now – Rami Malek becomes Queen’s iconic frontman Freddie Mercury to tell the story of his rise to fame, and his consequent struggle with handling it. Crucially, it also depicts his struggles with coming to terms with his sexuality and being diagnosed with AIDS. Queen’s rise to stardom coincided with the rise of the AIDS epidemic in the UK and US, but the stigma of its association primarily with gay men led to widespread misunderstanding of the disease. Freddie Mercury’s death due to AIDS on 24th November 1991 led to many people educating themselves about it; the perception of the disease in the UK hugely shifted, and millions were raised in memory of the singer.

Operation Hyacinth (2021)

It’s important to not limit our scope of queer history to this country, so here’s an international recommendation. The Polish film Operation Hyacinth (Hiacynt) tells the story of a murder investigation within the gay community of 1980s communist Warsaw. The film is based on the real-life Operation Hyacinth, which refers to a secret operation by the Polish communist police to arrest and interrogate gay men. It explores the sinister circuit of queer oppression that underlies so many state organisations, as well as the struggle to understand one’s sexuality from within such a stiflingly intolerant society. A much darker pick than the previous two, but an important one.

Femme (2023)

While not a story based on specific real-life individuals, Femme is a visceral insight into the lived reality of queer people today; it demonstrates how, even in places where queer people are not legally oppressed, they are still at risk while living within a heteronormative society that determines them as ‘other’. Main character Jules is a drag artist in London who is the victim of a homophobic attack, and then ends up encountering his attacker in a gay sauna. This film explores the complicated politics of homophobia, masculinity and self expression. I’d argue this is a film for people who wonder why there still needs to be a fight for queer rights in the UK – just because queerness is no longer criminalised doesn’t mean queer people don’t still struggle against hate every single day. I’d highly recommend checking the trigger warnings of this one; it’s heavy, and rightfully so.

As well as films that depict queer history and experience, I’d also like to leave you with some recommendations for more queer films in general! The depiction of queer people in film is also a vital part of the community’s history, and an area that is still lacking in so many ways; that being said, I’d like to celebrate just a few of the films I’ve come across that do tell dynamic, entertaining and human queer stories:

Nuovo Olimpo (2023)

All of Us Strangers (2023)

Kill Your Darlings (2013)

My Days of Mercy (2017)

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)

Nimona (2023)

Benjamin (2018)

Please do take a moment this month (or anytime) to learn about queer history: it’s rich, and it’s vital to understanding the state of things today. Here’s to hoping we continue to see an increase in queer history and representation in film!

Image by Mathias Reding on Pexels.

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