Durham University Suppress Protest over #RippedOff Campaign, Threaten Legal Action Against Students

Durham Students Union President-elect George Walker has taken to Twitter this afternoon to convey his outrage against Durham University suppression of a #RippedOff campaign protest, supported by current DSU President Megan Croll.

In a latest update, the University has claimed action was threatened due to ‘blocked access’ to facilities by the protestors.

The series of tweets were published at 12:15pm today concerning the University’s intervention in handing out flyers to parents and prospect students at today’s open day. These flyers encouraged recipients to write to Durham University’s Vice Chancellor, Stuart Corbridge, about the rising accommodation fees across the University.

The protest was suppressed by University officials allegedly due to the fact it had not been ‘organised’ officially, according to Walker on Twitter. The protestors were said to be also threatened with a police call by the University’s Open Day Manager and a request to see ID was made.

DSU President Megan Croll also took to Twitter in support of Walker citing the University’s own freedom of speech policy.

#RippedOff is a DSU led campaign against the increase in accommodation fees for students across the University over the last nine years. It aims to commit an extensive review of these costs with special attention made to where the funding is being spent and potential differential pricing.

This event follows other recent controversies such as the University’s decision to introduce 8am lectures, dismissing a lengthy #RippedOff campaign report and the overturning of a promise made to students that a vote would take place to name the newest Durham College after a prominent female historical figure, now to be named after the College’s largest benefactor.

#RippedOff have a continuing campaign to cut college costs via Change.org and the Durham Students Union continues and its representatives continue to oppose the action.

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