Laura Carter is Communities Officer
A housing campaign has been launched this month by Durham Students’ Union.
The campaign aims to get students to carefully consider their decisions for housing next year. Through practical events and useful information, the DSU is hoping students will make well-informed decisions when signing for a house.
The DSU’s Community Officer, Laura Carter, said the Union is “encouraging students to think carefully about who they are signing with, what they should sign and the cost implications involved”.
The campaign was launched in response to the number of students seeking support about houses.
Robyn Morley, Hild Bede livers’ out officer, said: “Our aim is to ensure that people are making the right decision for them” and has made housing leaflets for freshers seeking housing out of college next year.
As well as college talks, which have been given by individual college housing reps, the DSU is holding a range of events in conjunction with this campaign.
There will be a housing fair on 14 January, where students can meet landlords in preparation for signing a house.
Laura Carter said that with the fair in January students have the Christmas break to consider their new friendships and consequently ensure the right housing decision is made prior to the holiday.
The fair will involve a number of estate agents and landlords, with over 500 properties on offer in a range of locations.
On 5 December, the DSU will host a ‘Find a Housemate’ event in the Riverside bar, designed to help students who are looking for housemates.
The Union is also offering a free contract checking service to ensure that students enter a balanced agreement. Contracts can be emailed and bought in by person.
If you have any concerns in relation to housing, seek advice from college welfare or housing reps, as well as the DSU’s Help and Advice Service.