As we enter exam season and I very much embrace my final few months as an undergraduate, I thought I’d share some of my favourite places to enjoy outside in Durham. Whether it’s for a quick revision break, a picnic, a catch up with friends in between study sessions, each location fits pretty much any occasion
1.) Wharton Park- not only do you get a wonderful view of the city but you can even make the most of the outdoor gym- if that’s your thing!
2.) Durham Botanical Gardens- a classic and such an exciting time to visit as we approach summer and everything begins to flower! Conveniently located next to the library… perfect lunch spot?
3.) Old Durham Gardens- another classic which makes the typical river walk that little bit more different
4.) Houghall woods- although the bluebells may no longer be there, Houghall makes a great running route- but is also perfect for a leisurely stroll too!
Each place is just so accessible regardless of which part of Durham you are located. Perhaps you’re extremely familiar with all 4 places mentioned, but have you tried mixing up the time of day you visit each? I discovered this year how great the night lights look from Wharton Park and how perfect it is to watch the sunset/ rise- so why not mix up the times of day you enjoy each spot!
Good luck for upcoming exams and assessments everyone!
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