In solidarity with Ukraine

Image: Anna Stringer. Downing Street 26/02/2022.

The above image was taken at a protest on Saturday, during which demonstrators demanded stronger action from the west in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. I attended the protest to call for action in solidarity with loved ones still in Ukraine, and throughout the protest listened to profound speeches from people of all nationalities, all connected in some way to Ukraine. 

Over the last few weeks, statistics and daily updates of Russia’s invasion have dominated the news, but it can be easy to lose sight that there are people behind these numbers. And, whilst it is impossible to imagine the pain that Ukrainian people are currently experiencing, their indefatigable strength continues to prevail: from those walking hours to cross borders, to those staying behind to fight, to those awaiting ‘the quiet’ after hours of endless bombing, to those unable to sleep awaiting news from loved ones, to those tirelessly countering propaganda and disinformation, to those protesting, to those simply existing at a time like this. Durham’s Russian-speaking community showed as such on Friday at their vigil, during which speakers from various places, including Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus, poignantly shared their stories and expressed solidarity. Their testimonies showed that it is as vital now more than ever to act, whilst remembering that wars are products of governments, not of ordinary people.

It can be difficult to know exactly how to help at times like this; however, as one placard at Saturday’s protest read: ‘нельзя молчать’ – ‘we must not remain silent’. What we can do is call the west to do more than just watch a tragedy unfold as they have done so many times before; we can donate, protest, and stay informed. Further information on today’s 2pm protest in Market Square and how to get involved as a Durham student is available here. For getting involved more widely, please see here.

In this week’s editor’s picks, Shoun Obana interviews Dr Justin Bengry on a piece of queer heritage; Helen Tyler-Cole talks with Raise Durham‘s founder, Thomas Cohen; and Jack Coombs reflects on experimental rock band, black midi.

1. Conserving a piece of queer heritage by Shoun Obana

2. Raise Durham set to make over £40,000 in donations by Helen Tyler-Cole

3. Huge unspoiled coral reef found off the coast of Tahiti by Martha Smith

4. black midi: technical fun by Jack Coombs

5. Another Dragon Age 4 executive producer leaves BioWare by Zara Lane


With thanks to Zuzanna Bilkiewicz.

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